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Spectrum Availability & Coverage Map

Check out our Spectrum coverage map to see if you can get Spectrum TV, internet, or phone services near you.

Spectrum coverage map

Are you interested in getting Spectrum TV®, Internet, or phone service? Check out our Spectrum coverage map for a comprehensive view of the company’s service area.

Here are some of the top metropolitan areas in the U.S. that Spectrum services:

If you don’t see your area highlighted on the map (or listed above), keep scrolling for other ways to check if Spectrum is available for your home.

Find Spectrum availability by zip code

Enter your zip code below to see if Spectrum is in your town. If it is, you’ll be able to see the specific service types available to you.

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Spectrum plans and packages

If you’re in a Spectrum service area, you can get Xfinity TV, internet, or phone plans. Check out our main Spectrum review to learn more about Spectrum plans and packages near you.
  • Spectrum Internet: Spectrum’s internet plans range from $39.99–$79.99/mo., with their download speeds running from Up to 300–1,000 Mbps.
  • Spectrum TV: Spectrum’s cable TV service comes with 155–160+ channels.
  • Spectrum Voice: Spectrum also offers a landline phone service through digital VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol).
  • Spectrum Mobile: Spectrum’s cell phone service offers nationwide 5G phone coverage and bundles for Spectrum internet customers.
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Spectrum TV® availability

If you get Spectrum Internet® service, you can likely get Spectrum TV service.

Spectrum’s TV Select plan will get you 155+ local and cable channels including Comedy Central, Food Network, and ESPN. Spectrum also offers à la carte channel add-ons for entertainment, sports, and premium channels.

Check out our Spectrum TV review to learn about Spectrum’s TV service.

Enter your zip code below to see if your hometown is covered by Spectrum.

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Spectrum Internet® availability

Spectrum Internet offers three plans to choose from, including Spectrum Internet Gig. Fast download speeds and no data caps are among its features.

Check out our Spectrum Internet review to help make your decision.

To find out about Spectrum Internet’s availability, enter your zip code below.

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Spectrum availability by state

Spectrum is currently available in 41 states. Our list below outlines Spectrum’s availability by state.

























New Hampshire

New Jersey

New Mexico

New York

North Carolina




South Carolina






West Virginia



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Spectrum availability by city

While Spectrum provides TV and Internet service across 41 states, including many major cities, it doesn’t reach every neighborhood within these states. Here are just a few cities where Spectrum is available:

Still wondering, “How do I know if I have Spectrum in my area?”

We can’t list every city where Spectrum serves its customers (and you wouldn’t want us to!). Luckily, we have you covered with our handy search tool. Just enter your zip code below, and we’ll let you know what internet service providers are available in your town.

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Spectrum availability FAQ

Is Spectrum available in my area?

The main way to tell if Spectrum Internet, TV, or phone service is available in your neighborhood is to check your street address.

Can you get Spectrum Internet in the country?

You can get Spectrum in the country if Spectrum has built its cable Internet network in your neck of the woods. But if you’re far out in a rural area, Spectrum likely won’t be available.

How fast is Spectrum Internet in my area?

Spectrum’s three Internet packages feature maximum download speeds of up to 1 Gbps** (wireless speeds may vary).

What is the cost of Spectrum Internet only?

Spectrum Internet-only plans range between $39.99–$79.99/mo.* per month for the first 12-24 months. On the three plans, you’ll get internet speeds from Up to 300–1,000 Mbps (wireless speeds may vary).

Are Charter Spectrum and Time Warner the same company?

Charter Communications merged with Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks in 2015. Spectrum cable now covers a greater area with its TV Select plan, which provides customers with over 155–160+ local and cable channels.


*For 12 months when bundled. Limited time offer; subject to change; valid to qualified residential customers who have not subscribed to any services within the previous 30 days and who have no outstanding obligation to Charter.

**For 12 months when bundled. Limited time offer; subject to change; valid to qualified residential customers who have not subscribed to any services within the previous 30 days and who have no outstanding obligation to Charter. Spectrum Internet® Gig promotion price is $89.99/mo; standard rates apply after yr. 1. Taxes, fees and surcharges extra and subject to change during and after the promotional period; installation/network activation, equipment and additional services are extra.

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