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Xfinity Premier Channel Lineup: Channels, Pricing, and More

Xfinity no longer offers Premier TV packages, but you'll probably like Xfinity Ultimate.

Save up to $40/mo. bundling w/ internet and phone

Price: $20.00–$80.00/mo.

Channels: 10–185+

Popular channels*: ESPN, HBO®, NFL Network, SHOWTIME®, TNT, and more

Data as of post date. Offers and availability are subject to change.
* Some channels require bundling with Xfinity internet service.

This plan is no longer available.

Xfinity used to offer Premier TV to customers in the northeast region, but has since consolidated its plans to have the same names across all American regions.

What does this mean for you? Well, the new Xfinity Ultimate package is pretty darn similar to Premier TV, but the lower-tier Popular TV package is pretty good too. Check our full Xfinity channel lineup to see which package is right for you.

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